TV and series, Entertainment
Best 80s tv show: Knight Rider, The A-Team or MacGyver?
Knight Rider, The A-Team and MacGyver are among the best 80s action tv shows. Which one do you prefer? Vote and tell us why!
Star Trek vs Star Wars: which universe is the best?
The most popular sci-fi / space opera saga and universe: Star Trek or Star Wars. Check out the best quotes and the most iconic scenes.
Best fantasy worlds: LotR vs GoT?
Best fantasy worlds: J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth or G.R.R. Martin's Westeros? Game of Thrones (GoT) vs Lord of the Rings (LoTR). Map, history & universe
Attack on Titan vs Naruto: best japanese anime series?
Attack on Titan vs Naruto. Two of the best Japanese manga and anime series with interesting characters and full of action. Which one do you prefer? Vote!
West Wing vs House of Cards: best political TV series?
Best political TV series and fictional president: The West Wing vs House of Cards, Frank Underwood vs Josiah "Jeb" Bartlet. Comparison, debate and poll
Game of Thrones books vs show. Which is better?
Books vs TV series. Find out the major differences between George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and HBO's Game of Thrones show. Which is better?
Best sci-fi TV series? Top 10 science fiction shows
Best science fiction shows in TV history. Top 10 sci-fi series: Star Trek vs Babylon 5 vs Battlestar Galactica vs The Expanse vs Westworld, etc. Vote!
Eurovision poll: is the song contest a waste?
Check out our Eurovision poll. The prestige of this contest may have declined, but millions still watch it every year. Is Eurovision a waste of money? Vote
Doctor Who poll and debate. A myriad of actors have played the role of the Who, in the longest running Sci-Fi TV show. But who is the best? Vote!
Best anime series of 2016: which is the top one?
Top anime series. Check out our list and vote which, among the great anime series launched in 2016, deserves to be considered the best. Tell us why
Governor vs Negan: best The Walking Dead villains
Best The Walking Dead villain: Negan vs The Governor. Check out the full list of evil characters in these zombie comic-books, video-games and TV series.
Game of Thrones ending: who will win the game of thrones?
Exciting Game of Thrones theories and mysteries. Can you foresee the ending of A Song of Ice and Fire series? Who will win the GoT? Who will survive? Vote!
Best unseen comedy characters in TV
Best unseen character: Friends' Ugly Naked Guy, Frasier's Maris Crane, Seinfeld's Bob Sacamano, or Big Bang Theory's Mrs Wolowitz? Who is the funniest?
Bender vs Roger: who is cooler?
Cool cartoon characters in TV series: Bender vs Roger. Futurama and American Dad are full of funny characters, but the robot and alien are very special
Top 10 TV series 2015: pick your favorite!
The best TV shows of 2015 poll. We've selected a top 10 of universally acclaimed series of last year and discuss which of them are an absolute must watch.
Annoying kids songs: Dora the Explorer vs Peppa Pig
Dora the Explorer and Peppa Pig are lovely cartoons. Our kids love them. However their songs out of repetition may become annoying for some parents. Vote!
Which Big Bang Theory character are you?
We want to know which Big Bang Theory character is more similar to you. Choose one and tell us why. Find out who is the most popular TBBT character overall
We compare the top 10 past and present stand-up comedian. But who do you think is the best? Vote & explain why. Watch here some of their funniest routines.
New X-Files series: will fans be disappointed?
Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny are again Agents Scully and Mulder in the new X-Files series. Will this resurrection satisfy the fans of the series?
Consume or avoid mainstream media news?
Mainstream media are extremely influential but also increasingly criticized. We discuss whether news is a good source of information or should be avoided
Mad Men characters: who do you identify with?
Mad Men is a TV series full of interesting and nuanced characters. They have many talents but also hide a dark side. Do you identify with any of them?
Best mockumentary comedy series
Four sitcoms stand out: Arrested Development, The Office, Parks and Recreation, and Modern Family. Which of them is the best mockumentary comedy series?
Dragon Ball series: original, DBZ or GT?
Dragon Ball has captivated millions of anime fans for three decades! We debate which Dragon Ball series is the best the original, DBZ or GT?
Best animated movies: Disney or Ghibli?
Disney vs Ghibli. The best animated movies are often crafted by one of these studios. They have their own distinct styles. But which one do you prefer?
The Simpsons, South Park or Family Guy?
The Simpsons, South Park and Family Guy compete for being the most popular animated TV series for adults. Which one do you prefer? Vote and tell us why!
The Sopranos and The Wire are two of the best shows in TV history. Which of the two do you prefer? Vote and tell us why!
Women's TV series: Sex and the City or Girls?
Sex and the City or Girls are both series about women's sex lives and friendships. Which one do you think is better?
The Bechdel test can be used to assess whether a film is gender biased. Approximately a half of the big productions fail this test. Should we care?
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