Margaret Atwood and Alice Munro: who is the most fascinating Canadian writter?


canadian female writers

Source: Composite image by G_marius based on Vanwaffle and Andreas Vartdal´s images

Margaret Atwood and Alice Munro are the most critically acclaimed contemporary Canadian novelists.

Margaret Atwood and Alice Munro are Canada's literary stars and two of the world's leading female authors. Both have been hugely prolific over the last forty years. Their work has mostly featured strong, complex and often unlikable female characters. Atwood's work is often set in dystopian futures and deals both with women's issues as well as environmental catastrophes. She has been described as a feminist and a science fiction author, although she denies both labels. She has also won numerous awards, including the Booker Prize. Munro, described as the queen of short stories and compared to Chekhov, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013. Her stories deal with the complexities of every day life and moments that bring sudden enlightenment.

But who is your favorite? Alice Munro with her short stories or Margaret Atwood and her speculative fiction?



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Margaret Atwood and Alice Munro: who is the most fascinating Canadian writter?

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