Which cricket bowling technique do you prefer to watch: spin or fast?


Best bowling technique

Source: Composite image by G_marius based on a rayand image

Spin and fast are the two main approaches to bowling in cricket. Fast bowling is a technique that aims at throwing the cricket ball at high speed and to induce it to bounce off the pitch in an erratic fashion or move sideways through the air, so to make it difficult for the batsman to hit the ball. A typical fast delivery has a speed in the range of 137–153 km/h (85–95 mph). The players that most often use this technique are usually known as fast bowlers, fastmen, pace bowlers, or pacemen.

On the other hand, spin bowling seeks to bowl the ball with rapid rotation so that when it bounces on the pitch it will deviate from its normal straight path, also making it difficult for the batsman to hit the ball cleanly. The spin is created by wirst or finger motion. The speed is significantly slower than that for fast bowling. A normal spin delivery has a speed in the range 70–90 km/h (45–55 mph). There are different types of spins such as off spin, left-arm orthodox, left-hand unorthodox spin and leg spin.

Each bowler prefer a different technique and there are different tactics associated to spin and fast bowling. 

As a cricket lover, which of the two techniques you find more exciting to watch, spin or fast? Vote and tell us why

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Which cricket bowling technique do you prefer to watch: spin or fast?

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