Drinks, Food, Lifestyle
Tradition vs innovation in viticulture. What type of wine do you prefer to buy or recommend: Old World or New World wine? Tell us about your favorite ones
Best beer in the world: top beer brands and countries
Find out the top beer brands and countries in the world. We compare German, Belgian, Czech, American, Irish, British and Mexican beers. What is the best?
Laws on alcohol consumption: should they be more restrictive?
Alcohol is part of the culture of many communities but also a major health problem. Do we need more restrictive laws on alcohol consumption? Vote & discuss
Coke vs Diet Coke. Both are criticized, one for having too much sugar, the other for having aspartame. But which one tastes the best? Vote and tell us why.
Some people have more tolerance for beer, others cope better with wine. Which of the two drinks you find affects you more after a night out?
Coffee lovers can be divided between those that drink it with milk or without. To which group do you belong? Vote and tell us why!
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