Tips netivist: netivist points (XP) and reputation


netivist points and reputation

Netivist points (XP) are a measure of the reputation of a netivist user. These points let you find out who are the most influential users in a debate.

You will be able to filter and order comments in forums according to the points and levels of the authors of the comments. To have more visibility and influence you can gradually accumulate XP through your interactions in netivist. Netivist points (also referred as netivist experience points or XP) help you to increase your user level and allow you to compare users’ engagement and influence in netivist.

How to get netivist points (XP)

There are several ways in which you can get netivist points, the most common are:

  • Voting: When you vote in a debate you get 1 XP
  • Writing intelligent comments: When you write a comment on a discussion forum you get 1 XP and for each “like” that comment receives from another user you get 2 XP.
  • Sharing: When you share netivist content through email or social media (such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Reddit, etc.) you get 1 XP point for each person you attract to netivist (some limitations apply).
  • Trophies: When you obtain certain trophies in netivist (see 4) you may get some extra XP. Usually, the more difficult the trophy the more XP you get.
  • Endorsing campaigns and petitions: When you sign a petition you get 1 XP
  • Initiating campaigns and petitions: When you create or initiate a petition or campaign you get XP when people sign the campaign. The number of XP you receive depends on how successful the campaign is (i.e. how many people endorse it).

In sum the more you vote, comment, share and engage in online campaigns the more XP you will get and the faster you will level up. Remember, XP and levels give you visibility and capacity to influence the outcomes of debates on netivist.

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