Tips netivist: technical support


Source: Composite image by G_marius based on a design from Tomas Gorostiaga

Netivist is still in it's infancy and we are currently in 'Beta' stage. This means that although we are working around the clock to make your experience of using the platform smoother, you might come across some technical issues which might prevent you from using some of netivist's features.

Don't worry, this is something completely normal during this early stage of netivist. We are working hard to introduce new functionalities and polish the existing ones. Sometimes these implementations may provoke small issues that can affect your user experience.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience we may cause in this process.
Shall you experience any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us on this email:
Any information about problems you may have noticed will be of great help to fix them, keep on improving the platform, and to avoid annoyances for other users.
We hope you are enjoying the netivist experience and should you have any suggestions please either email us to the aforementioned address or leave a comment on the Feedback page.

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