Police, Security, Politics
Police surveillance: social media monitoring
You are under surveillance. Are police a Big Brother watching you on social media thanks to monitoring software such as Geofeedia? Security vs privacy.
Understanding crime statistics: why are crime figures so problematic?
Is the crime rate going up or down? Measuring crime is difficult and official crime statistics hard to interpret and compare. Join us and find out why
Police body cameras pros and cons
Find out the pros and cons of police body cameras. May bodycams stop police brutality and the killing of innocents? Privacy, transparency and security.
Death penalty pros and cons: should it be abolished?
Is capital punishment the solution? Should it be abolished? Death penalty pros and cons debate and poll. Harsh punishments, human rights and crime
Police racism: is the Police a structurally racist institution?
Cases of police brutality and racially motivated malpractice by police officers are still common. But is the Police a racist institution? Vote & discuss
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