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GlobalNET21, University

GlobalNet21 is the leading platform in the UK for discussing the major issues in the 21st Century, and where can we take it from here. We share a common concern for the sustainability of both our planet and the people on it, with over 17,000 members in the UK and abroad. The GlobalNet21 community is about a space for people to meet, learn about and actively engage with the issues of the day, meet others with similar passions or discover new ones.

Are pharmaceutical companies ethical and work for the public good? Or are they just concerned with profit?
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Are pharmaceutical companies ethical?

Pharmaceutical companies care about profit. Does it mean that they are not ethical or harming the developing world where access to cheap drugs is vital?

Arms Trade: Human Rights vs National Security
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Arms Trade: Human Rights vs National Security

We debate the impact of arms trade in promoting National Security and harming Human Rights. Military, arms dealers, human suffering, defence, wars

transparency in government and open data
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Transparency in government and open data

Governments usually claim to be open and transparent. Are they doing enough to promote transparency, accountability and access to data for citizens?

Importance of civic engagement? Does civic engagement affect policy or is policymaking simply dominated by elites?
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Importance of civic engagement: does it affect policy?

We discuss the importance of civic engagement and if participation and social involvement impact policy-making and are good for democracy

Should drugs be legalized? Legalization pros and cons
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Should drugs be legalized? Legalization pros and cons

Should drugs be legalized? Pros and cons. Decriminalization and traffic. List of drugs. Prohibition on recreational drugs such as marijuana and cocaine?

Negative effects of global warming and climate change: sea level rising, global health issues, etc
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Negative effects of global warming

Wost negative effects of global warming, such as global health issues, sea level rising, extinction of species, etc. Join our climate change debate & vote!

TPP pros and cons: TPP will increase trade, but will it undermine democracy, public services, and the environment?
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TPP pros and cons. Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership good?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is highly controversial. We debate the pros and cons of this ambitious trade agreement. Join our poll & discussion

Unconventional energy debate: Should the UK government encourage or stop fracking?
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Fracking in the UK: What should the government do?

House of Commons debate on fracking in the UK. Join our public discussion on the pros and cons of fracking, and the stance the government should adopt.

Free movement of persons in the EU
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EU freedom of movement: good or bad for Britain?

Is freedom of movement in the EU and immigration a good justification for a Brexit? Should borders strengthen bad for Britain?

 War in the Middle East: is it one of the effects of climate change?
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War in the Middle East and climate change

Ideology, religion or imperialism, are often cited as causes of the war in the Middle East. What about the effects of climate change and lack of resources?

Ethics in politics: Does the lack of ethics In politics reflect our own lack of ethics?
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Ethics in politics: are politicians like the citizens they represent?

Are ethics in politics and society diverging? Do the moral principles that guide politicians' behavior reflect our own ethical standards?

Permanent budget surplus: good house keeping or economic straitjacket?
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Permanent budget surplus: good house keeping or economic straitjacket?

Having a permanent budget surplus in times of economic bonanza: Is it good house keeping or will it increase inequalities and prevent growth?

Flatpack Democracy: should we rebel against the system? Local level politics
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Flatpack Democracy: should we rebel against the system?

Flatpack Democracy is a bottom-up project to revitalize our political systems. Should we embrace this revolution and bring power back to the local level?

Future of the UK: a break up? David Cameron
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Future of the UK: a break up?

Will Cameron's government avoid the break up of the UK in the face of the future Brexit referendum and the rise of nationalism in Scotland? Join the debate
