Source: Composite by G_marius based on a Travis' image
Stop the Proposed PennEast Pipeline Project
To stop environmental decay as a result of the proposed PennEast Pipeline Project
This petition is addressed to:
The PennEast Pipeline Company
In addition to the environmental impact, all land, homes and businesses anywhere near the pipeline will see property values drop. This will impact the owners of those properties and our overall tax revenue. So, people hoping for smaller bills will actually see higher taxes.
I, the undersigned, would like to protest against the proposed PennEast Pipeline. The PennEast Pipeline Company is a private company that wants to pump fracked gas from Pennsylvania, through northern New Jersey, and beyond. This proposal isn’t as good for the area and country as they try and paint it. Many people would like to switch to natural gas from oil, but that won’t happen as a result of this pipeline. PennEast will likely export much of what they produce, as their gas could fetch as much as four times the price it could here overseas. All land, homes and businesses anywhere near the pipeline will see property values drop. This will impact the owners of those properties and our overall tax revenue. So, people hoping for smaller bills will actually see higher taxes. The truth is that PennEast is a private business that will force people off their land, will create only short term jobs, and would only be a way for a private company to transport their gas from Pennsylvania through our backyard to somewhere else. I implore the people and government agencies involved with the PennEast Pipeline to rethink this move and at least, postpone the pipeline until further public discussion can be had.
The undersigned,
Lili Jansen
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