What do you think of the restrictions in Magic tournaments on the use of cards from older editions?

magic the gathering rules

Source: Composite by G_marius based on an Oliver Hallmann´s image

The restrictions imposed on the use of some cards in Magic: the Gathering tournaments are controversial. What do you think about these restrictions?

Magic: the Gathering is a trading card game created by Richard Garfield and marketed by Wizards of the Coast in 1993. This highly successful card game has had already 16 editions and more than 50 expansion sets. However the DCI, the official body for competitive play imposes restrictions on the cards that can be used in most tournaments. Usually only the latest editions and expansions are allowed in tournaments. This rule introduces dynamism in competition because players need to constantly update their card games and strategies, but also frustration because previous investments in cards become obsolete.



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What do you think of the restrictions in Magic tournaments on the use of cards from older editions?

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