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Tip: share netivist debates and petitions to level-up


Share netivist content and change the world

Source: Image by G_Marius and Tomas Gorostiaga

When you share our debates and petitions you contribute to public deliberation and civic engagement. You also get XP and level-up much quicker.

We really appreciate that you share netivist petitions and debates. The more you share the more people will participate. This makes our debates much more interesting and alive and the campaigns in netivist more influential. Help us change the world!

In netivist we reward users for their capacity to mobilize people. When you share netivist content through email or social media (such as Twitter, Facebook) you get 1 XP (experience point) for each person that comes to netivist following your link. Thus, sharing gets you XP and makes you a more influential netivist, which will give you more visibility and capacity to shape the outcomes of debates.

As you may know netivist is an independent and free of charge platform. We do not have a budget for advertisement and we exclusively rely on people like you to share our contents.

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Lvl 2
67 xp

59 posts
#2  |  Pamela Clark  13 August 2023 @ 03:54

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Thanks once again Dr. Morusa Herbal Home.

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Tags: XP , Sharing