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Are universities excessively permissive with sexist and homophobic behavior among students?


Are universities excessively permissive with sexist and homophobic behavior among students?

Source: Composite by G_marius based on Gianpierre Soto’s and velkr0’s images. This image was created for If you want to use it you simply need to attribute it by linking to this page or to Thanks

The new academic year often brings scandals related to sexist and homophobic practices in universities in several countries. Join our debate if you care!

Sexism and homophobia in university

Many students experience sexism, verbal intimidation and harrassment on college and university campuses. Student societies and fraternities are often accused of normalising misogyny and the culture of sexual abuse. For instance a survey has revealed that one in four UK students have experienced unwelcome sexual advances. In the US, there is growing concern about the existence of entrenched sexist and homophobic practices in many colleges. Some programs have been launched to tackle rape and sexual violence on campuses. Universities apply disciplinary actions to punish the most serious sexist and homophobic practices, but are they doing enough to deal with “everyday sexism” on campus? Do you think universities are too permissive or are they overreacting to the problem? Share your views on the role of university administrations and the severity of the problem of sexism and homophobia on campuses.

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Are universities excessively permissive with sexist and homophobic behavior among students?

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