The political satirists battle: Stephen Colbert vs Jon Stewart


jon stewart and stephen colbert

Source: Composite image by G_marius based on David Shankbone and Air Force Tech. Sgt. Adam M. Stump´s images

Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are highly successful comedians and political satirists. Their shows, The Colbert Report and The Daily Show, have been acclaimed by both the public and the critics. Both shows are broadcast by Comedy Central. They have lots in common: The Colbert Report (running since 2005) is a spin-off of The Daily Show (running since 1996) and cross-overs are common between the two shows. Yet, Colbert's and Stewart's styles of parody and humor are also quite distinct.




Who do you prefer - Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart?  Do you think Colbert will change after taking over David Letterman as the host of the Late Show on CBS? Vote in our poll and tell us who is more witty or makes you laugh more.

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The political satirists battle: Stephen Colbert vs Jon Stewart

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