Netivist is a new online platform that aims at channelling online activism and promoting civic engagement. Netivist is a social enterprise which mission is to empower people. We want to give them the capacity to engage in constructive public deliberation and have their voices heard. We are established in London but we have a global audience.
In particular, netivist is the first to offer a single platform where users can debate, vote and organise collective action (campaigns, petitions, networking). On netivist users can try to influence the public opinion across a wide range of areas that include politics, entertainment, lifestyle, sports and consumer products.
The idea inspiring netivist was providing a single space where people could meet to discuss, decide and take action (Public deliberation > Voting > Collective action). This is a logical flow that resonates with our democratic values.
On netivist, users have a public profile and gain reputation through their participation. This reputation is represented by points (XP), levels and trophies they collect thanks to their engagement, expertise and capacity to mobilise others.
Netivist is a unique ecosystem for participation an online activism and fills several gaps in the Internet:
- Social networks do not allow structured open debates
- Current petitions sites do not allow public deliberation (neither voting or debating)
- Debate and voting platforms do not allow collective action (organising petitions and campaigns, networking or creating groups).
Netivist offers all of that in a single space and it is easy to use and fun. On netivist debates are very controversial, some of them very entertaining.
Rest assure, we are an independent platform, we do not charge for our services and we do not have advertisement.
If you want to contribute to change things and you want to have your voice heard, join us!
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