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stephen curry vs lebron james
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Stephen Curry vs Lebron James: who is the best player?

Find out who is the best NBA player today. We contrast the two top NBA players: Stephen Curry vs LeBron James. Who will win the NBA Finals 2016? Vote!

lakers clippers rivalry
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Lakers-Clippers rivalry: pick your favorite team!

We discuss the Lakers-Clippers rivalry. Which of the two Los Angeles NBA teams do you prefer? Vote in our poll and tell us what you think about them

best athlete ever
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Is Jordan the best sportsman of all times?

Do you think Michael Jordan was not only the best basketball player but also the greatest sportsman in history?

larry bird vs magic johnson
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Best 80's NBA player; Bird or Johnson?

Larry Bird or Magic Johnson, who was the best NBA player of the 1980s? Vote in our poll and tell us more about these extraordinary players!

kevin durant vs lebron james
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Kevin Durant vs LeBron James: better player?

Kevin Durant and LeBron James are two extraordinary NBA players. Which of the two you find better? Vote here and tell us why.
