Travel, Services, Consumers
Uber business model: What is Uber?
What is Uber? Find out more about ridesharing and Uber business model. Uber disruption & regulations. Transporation service provider or online intermediary
Best airplane in the world: Boeing vs Airbus
Airbus vs Boeing: the biggest aircraft manufacturers compared. We debate and vote what aerospace company produces the best commercial plane in the world.
Uber pros and cons: is it killing the taxi?
Find out more about Uber pros and cons and its business model. Is it the transport of the future? Will it kill the taxi? Is Uber good or bad? Debate & vote
Child-free flights or zones in planes?
Find out if people hate flying with children. Are child-free flights and kid-free sitting zones on planes a good idea or way of discrimination? Why? Vote!
Holidays: one long vacation or several short breaks?
Dilemma: how to distribute your holidays? Is it better to take several short breaks or mini-breaks or to spend your holiday allowance in one long vacation?
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