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Governments' responses to the Ebola crisis: correct, knee-jerk reaction or complacency?


ebola crisis

Source: Composite image by Alejandro Migueles Osuna

The reaction of Western governments to the Ebola crisis is being highly contested in the media. We discuss what they are doing and what they should do.

The current Ebola epidemic in western Africa began in Guinea in December 2013. Ever since the epidemic spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone and several outbreaks have ocurred in other African countries. Recently, Spain and the USA have experienced the first cases of Ebola contagion outside Africa. Governments' responses to the ebola crisis are becoming controversial. The media in Western countries are questioning the handling of the crisis. Many accuse governments of creating unnecessary panic and taking inneffective measures. On the other hand, some organizations and analysts claim that governments so far have been too complacent. When the Ebola pandemic was still "an African problem" Western media and governments paid little attention. Are government responses to the Ebola crisis simply a knee-jerk reaction rather than the result of a thorough contingency plan?  Are governments acting too little, too late?



What do you think about Western government responses to Ebola? Could have they acted differently? Are we witnessing a governmental knee-jerk reaction or not even that?  Share you thoughts with us about the ebola crisis.

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