Does beer or wine give you a worse hangover?

Lifestyle  /  Food  /  Drinks

Does beer or wine give you a worse hangover? Drinking side effects

Source: Composite by Alejandro Migueles Osuna

Some people have more tolerance for beer, others cope better with wine. Which of the two drinks you find affects you more after a night out?

Worse hangover beer or wine?

Drinking alcohol has side-effects. The excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks often creates hangovers. The typical symptoms may include headache, drowsiness, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue, gastrointestinal distress, sweating, nausea, hyper-excitability and anxiety. Which drink tend to produce a worse hangover: beer or wine? Do you have any particular explanation for this? Any remedy you want to share? Check also our debate on the best beers in the world

Does beer or wine give you a worse hangover?  Vote and tell us more about your experience with these drinks.

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Does beer or wine give you a worse hangover?

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