RPGs, Video games, Entertainment
Top Legend of Zelda games: comparison, poll and debate. After the new title in Nintendo's famous series: Breath of the Wild, let's decide which is the best
Fallout 3 vs New Vegas: which is the better game?
Fallout video games have become a reference for the Sci-Fi RPG genre. Which title of this post-apocalyptic series is better: Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Vote!
Dragon Age vs The Witcher vs Elder Scrolls: Best RPG?
Can Dragon Age Inquisition and The Witcher III rival Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? Let´s decide which is the best RPG video game series. Vote and discuss here
BioWare or Bethesda: which creates the most extraordinary role-playing games? Mass Effect or Fallout? Dragon Age or Elder Scrolls? Check out this poll
Horde vs Alliance: best World of Warcraft faction?
World of Warcraft (WoW) is the most successful MMO in the history of gaming. Which of the two factions do you prefer: the Alliance or the Horde? Vote!
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