LSE Debates

Multiculturalism in South Korea and Japan?
Is multiculturalism possible in South Korea and Japan? Are these, traditionally nationalistic and homogeneous societies, changing sufficiently today?

Sustainable development or "land grabbing"
Foreign direct investment in agriculture has become controversial. We discuss if FDI helps sustainable development or is mostly a way of "land grabbing".

Is nationalism a logical reaction to globalization?
Nationalism is re-emerging in many parts of the world. We discuss if nationalism is a logical reaction to the challenges and problems of globalization.

Public service conduct: Do ethics laws make government ethical?
An increasing number of governments are regulating Public Service conduct. Join the discussion on the main drivers and problems of ethics regulation

Controversial debates and petitions: monthly update
New controversial debates and petitions. Thanks for being part of this adventure! Some facts about the trending debates and campaigns during February.
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