Online gaming

DotA 2 vs League of Legends: best MOBA game?
DotA 2 and League of Legends are the most successful multiplayer online battle arena games. DotA 2 vs LoL which is the best MOBA game? Vote and tell us why

Microtransactions in games: the future of gaming?
Microtransactions are becoming increasingly common in F2P video games. Will freemium games replace the traditional pay-to-play model in the industry?

Forza vs Gran Turismo: best racing video games
Racing video game showdown: Forza vs Gran Turismo. Playstation vs Xbox. Find out more about these driving simulators and vote in our poll!

Console or PC gaming? Gamers have different choices when it comes to hardware. Each gaming platform has its pros and cons. Which format is better for you?

Halo and Call of Duty (CoD) are the most popular first person shooter game series with millions of loyal followers. Which one do you think is the best?

Horde vs Alliance: best World of Warcraft faction?
World of Warcraft (WoW) is the most successful MMO in the history of gaming. Which of the two factions do you prefer: the Alliance or the Horde? Vote!
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