
Online activism pros and cons: does it work?
Can online activism help change the world? How? What are its pros and cons? What is clicktivism and slacktivism? Find out more about its impact on society.

Petition: Stop the PennEast Pipeline Project
Sign this petition to stop environmental decay as a result of the proposed PennEast Pipeline Project

Ban hunting in Botswana forever: petition
This petition is asking the Republic of Botswana to ban permanently wildlife hunting in its territory. It is directed to the Ministry of Environment.

Petition: Make public officials travel economy class
We should stop wasting taxpayers' money and make public officials travel economy class. Let's stop funding business class flights with public money.

Controversial debates and petitions: monthly update
New controversial debates and petitions. Thanks for being part of this adventure! Some facts about the trending debates and campaigns during February.

Tips netivist: follow debates and campaigns
You can follow any debate or campaign by clicking the little star icon. This way you can trace back easily your favourite debates and see how they evolve.

Tips netivist: suggest debates and campaigns
Remember that you can suggest your own debates and campaigns (or petitions) directly on netivist. It is very easy and free.
Most Influential netivists