Children, Education, Politics
Should students wear uniforms? School uniforms pros and cons
Pros and cons of school uniforms and their origin. Debate: should students wear uniforms. Good or bad for kids? Discipline, equality, gender, education.
Debate on child labour: are we hypocrites?
Child labour is morally wrong, but as consumers we are happy to buy cheap goods without asking questions. Are we hypocrites on this issue?
Homeschooling pros and cons. Is homeschooling better?
Considering homeschooling? Homeschool pros and cons. Is homeschooling better than education in public schools. Benefits, requirements, controversy, poll
Private vs public schools: best education for your children?
All parents want the best education for their children. Private or public (state) schools: best choice for kids intellectual development and socialization?
Should religion be taught in schools?
Is teaching religious and moral education in schools positive? Even in secular states? We discuss if religion should be taught in public schools. Vote!
Should kids have homework? Pros and cons of assignments
Learn about the pros and cons of homework for students. Join our education debate / poll on whether kids should have homework or if it should be abolished
Save the LSE Nursery: sign & share
If you are concerned about the future of the LSE Nursery, please sign and share this petition to convince the LSE to further support affordable daycare
Petition protect budget for Sure Start children centres
Budget for Sure Start children's centres was ring-fenced, children centres' are running with lower budgets, many of them are at risk of imminent closure
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