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Hearthstone vs Magic: Is Blizzard's card game as much fun as Wizards of the Coast's classic?

Hearthstone vs Magic

Source: Composite by G_marius based on David Luong's and  Oliver Hallmann's images

Hearthstone has been such a successful online card game that is compared to the legendary Magic The Gathering. But is Hearthstone as much fun as Magic?

Hearthstone vs Magic the Gathering

Hearthstone is a free-to-play digital collectible card game set in the universe of World of Warcraft. It was released by Blizzard Entertainment in 2014 and became almost instantly a great success. Hearthstone's mechanics are very similar to those of Magic The Gathering. Magic, the first and most successful of the trading card games was created by the famous game designer Richard Garfield and developed by Wizards of the Coast in 1993. Today Magic has more than 12 million players around the world. Both are card games where two players use cards that represent creatures, artifacts, mana and spells to attack each other.

Is Hearthstone as much fun as Magic?

Despite these basic similarities, Hearthstone and Magic feel and play quite differently. There are important differences concerning the size of the decks, the type and number of cards available, the instant effects, blocking and attacking, and the damage to the minions. Magic is mainly played in physical format (although online versions are also available), while so far Hearthstone is only played digitally. You can buy cards in Hearthstone but you can also get them for free by playing the game. Overall Magic gameplay is deeper, while Hearthstone is more accessible and easy to play. In Magic there are more choices and possible combinations, but Hearthstone is very fast-paced.

Is Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft as much fun as Magic The Gathering? Vote and tell us why. Please invite other people who may have anything interesting to contribute to this comparison and debate.

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Lvl 5
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#6  |  RafalZ  20 March 2015 @ 01:04

Hearthstone because you don't need to meet other people. Magic is alright but Magic fans are the worst.

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