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Stephen Curry vs LeBron James: who is the best NBA player?

Sports  /  Basketball  /  NBA

stephen curry vs lebron james

Source: Composite from images by Keith Allison

Our hot question today is about the top NBA players who are facing each other in the 2016 NBA finals. Help us decide who is the superior player today. Vote in our poll and explain why.

Stephen Curry vs LeBron James

Curry and James have had extraordinary seasons this year and have managed to classify their teams to the NBA Finals. They have forged a very interesting rivalry over the last 2 seasons and this is the second time in a row they face each other in the finals. Many claim they are the best basketball players since Kobe Bryant's dominace a decade ago. Lebron's Cleveland Cavaliers have defeated Toronto Raptors 4-2 in the Eastern Conference Finals. While Curry's Golden State Warriors have won the Western Conference Finals against Kevin Durant's Oklahoma City 4-3 recovering from an initial 1-3 after the first four games.

The performance of these top NBA players has been once more sensational during the 2016 NBA playoffs

  • LeBron James has averaged 30.1 points per game, 11.3 rebounds, 8.5 assists, and 1.7 steals.
  • Stephen Curry the MVP of the regular season for second year in a row, has averaged in the playoffs 28.3 points per game, 5 rebounds, 6.4 assists, and 1.9 steals.

During the regular season:

  • Lebron James averaged 25.3 points per game, 7.4 rebounds, 6.8 assists, and 1.4 steals.
  • Stephen Curry averaged 30.1 points per game, 5.4 rebounds, 6.7 assists, and 2.1 steals. 



Who will win the final and become its MVP? Are these the two best basketball players of the world? Would you consider them among the all time top ten NBA legends?

Stephen Curry vs LeBron James: who is the best NBA player? Vote and tell us why.

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