Source: Composite image by G_marius based on Red CreaDeporte's and vdrg dansschool's images
Pilates and Zumba are two of the most popular fitness methods. Here we discuss the advantages and disadvantage of each of them.
Zumba vs Pilates
On netivist, we have open debates on running, yoga styles or Latin dances, now we pit against each other two of the most widely practised fitness methods: Pilates vs Zumba. These are two extremely popular fitness programs, in particular among women, that help tone the body and release the stress. Many gyms offer classes on Zumba and Pilates to their clients, but which one should you choose?
Pilates system was developed in the early 20th century by the German gymnast and body builder Joseph Pilates. It is especially practiced in the United States and the United Kingdom (countries where Pilates lived and taught the method). Pilates consists of a system of exercises and controlled movements using special apparatus, designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, and posture, and enhance mental awareness. Zumba is an aerobic fitness programme created by Colombian dancer and choreagrapher Alberto "Beto" Perez during the 1990s. Zumba features movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance, such as cumbia, salsa, reggaeton and tango, combined with resistance training. Zumba helps burning calories, improving cardio health and losing weight.
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