Source: Composite by G_marius based on Liza Franco´s , Desert Bus For Hope's and penguincakes' images
Dance crazes, routines or fads, such as Saturday Night, Macarena, Asereje, Gangnam Style or Watch Me Whip Nae Nae dance, are very polarizing. Do you enjoy or hate them? Vote and tell us which of them you like or despise the most
We’ve all seen this before. A song starts playing in a club or party and suddenly almost everybody runs to the dance floor and starts making (more or less) the same moves. The first time you see these dance crazes they may take you by surprise and you may think they are ridiculous. But gradually, afer some exposure, you get used to them and soon after you may find yourself dancing them. There are many songs that have a specific dance routine and we want to know how you feel about them: do you love them or do you hate them?
Dance crazes and dance routines
Dance routines, sometimes also called fad dances or dance crazes, are not a new phenomenon. These are dances that become very popular and keep people dancing the same simple choreography over and over again at clubs, discotheques, bars, festivals, banquets, wedding receptions, parties, events. Usually they are associated with simple and somewhat repetitive, but very catchy music.
Some date their origins back to the Renaissance balls in Europe and it seems that the first worldwide dance craze in contemporary times started in 1950s, with the “Twist”, the "Mashed Potato" or "The Pony". Although in the case of these songs, the dance was distinguished by the style of the dance movement and not by a particular dance routine. The “Chicken Dance” and the “YMCA” are also songs for which almost everybody know the dance routine. The "Macarena", in the 1990s, "The Ketchup Song (Asereje)" in the 2000s, "Gangnam Style" a few years ago and currently Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae)” are more recent examples of fad dances that have become a global phenomenon.
What do you think about these dances? Do you usually learn the routines and enjoy dancing with everybody else? Or do you find dance crazes annoying?
By the way, you can watch and learn the most famous fad dances here.
If you change your mind, you can change your vote simply by clicking on another option.
Voting results
Dance crazes and routines: love 'em or hate 'em?
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