Is monogamy a natural behavior or a social imposition?


Monogamy natural behavior or a social imposition

Source: Composite by G_marius

Should sexual fidelity be observed? Is sex outside of marriage a sin? Is it a public matter? Is it forgivable? 

“I take you, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward…”
Who hasn't heard these marriage vows dozens of times? Unlike friendship, which can be open to many other people, it is the usual vow to remain faithful to your partner for the rest of your life (or marriage, at least). 
But is monogamy natural? Is it something shaped by our genes or the environment? Some evolutionary biologists and psychologists argue that sexual fidelity (or monogamy) is not natural and, in fact, goes against the behavior observed in species close to the human race such as chimpanzees, which engage in multi-partner sex.




What do you think? Should we be sexually faithful to our partners?  Is fidelity a natural behavior or a social imposition?


Debate proposed by Cayetano Casado


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Is monogamy a natural behavior or a social imposition?

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