Fantasy, Movies, Entertainment
Best fantasy worlds: LotR vs GoT?
Best fantasy worlds: J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth or G.R.R. Martin's Westeros? Game of Thrones (GoT) vs Lord of the Rings (LoTR). Map, history & universe
Harry Potter paraphernalia and cosplay: are fans going too far?
Harry Potter's books and movies may be great. But are fans going too far with their cosplay and paraphernalia in their attempt to imitate their heroes?
The LotR vs The Hobbit: best movie trilogy?
Peter Jackson's The Lords of the Rings (LotR) and The Hobbit movie trilogies have been great commercial successes. But which trilogy do you find more fun?
Best animated movies: Disney or Ghibli?
Disney vs Ghibli. The best animated movies are often crafted by one of these studios. They have their own distinct styles. But which one do you prefer?
What about Legolas in The Hobbit?
The appearance of the elf Legolas in Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug" became controversial. What do you think about it?
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