Peter Jackson's The Lords of the Rings (LotR) and The Hobbit movie trilogies have been great commercial successes. But which trilogy do you find more fun?
LotR vs The Hobbit
Since it was conjured by J.R.R. Tolkien, the world of Middle-Earth has captured the imaginations of readers and been the setting for some of the world’s best loved stories. The depth and detail of Tolkien’s fantasy world, and the heroes, evil beings and great battles he paints with it, leave those who read his books or watch the films inspired by them with memories of their own, set in this elegant and enthralling landscape.
Many people, however, will know best the two trilogies of films: The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Both bring this world to life in new and enchanting ways, giving new faces to long imagined kings and making the wars of the rings leap from the screen. The Lord of the Rings, however, did this by creating the world in our own from scratch, from building castle frontages in New Zealand to teaching the actors how to become their characters with armour and swords. The Hobbit, with breath-taking use of CGI and the captivating voices of some of the world’s most talented actors.
But which vision of Middle Earth do you prefer? Is the Lord of the Rings showing its age, or is it timeless as a real-world depiction of an epic story? Does The Hobbit sacrifice the elegance of the book for cheap thrills, or does it take a new and exciting take on an old story?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy or The Hobbit trilogy: the best adventure in Middle Earth? Vote and tell us what you like or dislike about these movies.
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The Lord of the Rings trilogy vs The Hobbit trilogy: the best adventure in Middle Earth?
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