Source: Composite image by G_marius
We compare two extremely popular teen fiction series: Twilight and The Hunger Games.
The Twilight Saga and The Hunger Games have emerged from the field of young adult literature to become huge popular phenomena. Both film series are adaptations of successful fiction novels (by Stephenie Meyer and Suzanne Collins), have female protagonists (played by Kristen Stewart and Jennifer Lawrence) and include a love triangle. However, they also address different issues and have different fan bases. While the Twilight Saga draws from horror literature (Vampires and Werewolves), the Hunger Games is set on a dystopian sci-fi world.
Which of the two film series do you prefer, The Twilight Saga or The Hunger Games? Vote and explain what makes of them such compelling and successful stories and what you like and hate about them.
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Voting results
Twilight vs The Hunger Games: Which film series do you prefer?
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