Higher education, Education, Politics
MIT vs Stanford: most influential technology college?
MIT vs Stanford. The are the top technology and engineering colleges according to any university ranking. But which is the best and most influential? Vote
Are entrepreneurs born or made at university?
Debate on entrepreneurship education: Do universities help the entrepreneurial spirit? Are entrepreneurs born or made? How to become an entrepreneur? Vote!
Can you trust Wikipedia? Is citing Wikipedia acceptable?
Wikipedia accuracy and reliability is improving but still contested. Can you trust it? Is citing Wikipedia at university that bad? Vote & find out more
University fees: Should college education be free?
University tuition fees contribute to inequality but are necessary to fund higher education. Should college be free for everyone? Join our debate and vote!
Social science research: failed predictions
Social science research helps us better understand society. However, failed predictions are also common. Why do social scientists get it wrong so often?
Stop the closure of Heythrop College
Sign this petition to urge the governors to reconsider their decision to close Heythrop College. The target of 1000 signatures has been reached!
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