Security, US politics, Politics
Gun violence in America: should guns be banned?
Gun violence and gun control in America. School shootings. Should we repeal the second amendment? Should guns be banned? What firearms should be legal?
Torture pros and cons: Is torture ever acceptable?
Torture is practiced or tolerated by many governments. We debate its pros and cons and if it can ever be acceptable from an ethical or democratic angle.
Find out more about the pros and cons of drone strikes, and their impact on war, terrorism, collateral damage, international law, ethics and politics.
Obama's gun control: good or bad policy?
Gun violence is growing in America. We discuss Obama's gun control plan, the proposed enhanced background checks, and their impact on crime reduction. Vote
Will the CIA torture revelations hurt the US?
The Senate Intelligence Committee's report on torture confirms the extent of the CIA's use of torture. Will the revelations hurt the US?
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