
Is Churches tax-exempt status fair? Churches play an important role in society but shouldn't they be taxed? GOP tax bill. Non-profit and IRS

Mercy killing debate: should euthanasia be legalized?
Pros and cons of physician assisted suicide. Dying with dignity? Right to die? Should euthanasia be legalized? Mercy killing crime or compassionate act?

Vaccination pros and cons: vaccines for children
Vaccines pros and cons. Should children be vaccinated? History, importance and benefits of immunization for children, anti-vaccination movement and dangers

Should religion be taught in schools?
Is teaching religious and moral education in schools positive? Even in secular states? We discuss if religion should be taught in public schools. Vote!

Pros and cons of marriage: is marriage outdated?
We discuss the pros and cons of marriage and if it is an outdated institution. Why marry if the divorce rate is so high? Is it good for relationships?
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