
Are entrepreneurs born or made at university?
Debate on entrepreneurship education: Do universities help the entrepreneurial spirit? Are entrepreneurs born or made? How to become an entrepreneur? Vote!

Globalization pros and cons: economic, cultural, political
Economic, cultural, and political pros and cons of globalization. History of globalization. Discover implications and arguments in favor and against it.

Technological unemployment: Is technology destroying jobs?
Millions of job losses due to technological unemployment. Machines are changing work, destroying and creating jobs. Technology, innovation and labor market

Largest corporations in the world more powerful than states?
States vs the largest corporations in the world: Are multinationals rivaling the economic power of governments? Will private companies rule the world?

Airbnb pros and cons: valid business model or unfair competition?
Airbnb is very successful. Does this success come from a disruptive innovative business model or is it only unfair competition? Vote on the pros and cons!

Future of Africa: next big world player?
Is the future of Africa bright? Can Africa play its own strengths and emerge as the next big world player? Participate in our poll and debate.
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