Source: Composite by G_marius based on Diliff’s and Eva Rinaldi’s images
There has been speculation about Russell Brand running for Mayor of London.
Comedian, author and activist Russel Brand has become the voice of discontent in Britain. After the publication of his book "Revolution", in which he claims that "the system isn't working", "governments are corrupt" and the opposing parties are "pointlessly similar", there has been speculation about the possibility of Brand running for mayor of London in May 2016. The book also includes some clues as what his platform would be shall he stand or elections. Although the actor and Katy Perry ex-husband has dismissed the rumour, he is increasingly in the public eye for his political views and more and more people seem to be looking up to him to change -or at least shake- the political landscape. His potentially stronger contender, the conservative mayor Boris Johnson, has said that Brand "may be about as convincing as a political theorist as a toaster".
What do you think? Should Russell Brand get formally involved in politics and, for example, run for mayor of London? Could this be a possibility to shake up the current party system? Or should Russell Brand stop discussing politics and stick to comedy? Vote and share your views about Brand and the current state of UK politics.
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