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Is the publication of leaked private emails justified for the purpose of information?


Publishing leaked private emails: justified for the purpose of information?

Source: Composite by G_marius based on a Kheng Cheng TOH's image.  

The publication of leaked or stolen information is becoming a growing concern. Is it part of their duty to inform or an example of bad practice.

The cancellation of the the satirical comedy The Interview by Sony has brought much controversy concerning censorship, blackmail, political pressures, cyber attacks and business practices. But this scandal has also brought to light a number of email exchanges revealing information shaming Sony executives, such as the lower pay of female actors or racist comments about Barrack Obama. A number of Hollywood actors have taken a stance against the media publishing these email exchanges, arguing that this is private information that was stolen. Sony has immediately demanded news outlets to stop publishing the information leaked.

But what do you think? Were the media right to release information revealing the darker side of Hollywood? Is publishing leaked information part of the media duty to provide information or is it a violation of their professional standards?

(a) The information leaked is of public concern and the media were right to publish it.

(b) It is morally wrong for the media to publish stolen information and incentivizes hackers

(c) Don't know

Is the publication of leaked private emails justified for the purpose of information? Vote here and share your views

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Lvl 6
743 xp

62 posts
#4  |  Esther Calzado Rodriguez  23 December 2014 @ 15:36

As you say, everything depend on the type of information and how did you get it. The question that arise is: who should decide which information should be filtered?

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