Source: Composite image by Alejandro Migueles Osuna
SPOILER ALERT: this debate may contain spoilers about several TV series. If you haven't watched them and are planning to do so it may be a good idea to go to another debate.
It is not rare for series fans to be disappointed in the finale of their favourite series. However, these three final episodes have been the most debated and hated in recent TV history.
Aired in May 2010, the last episode of Lost was watched by 13.5 million viewers, who were left with more questions than answers to the mysteries created by the plot over the six seasons of the show's broadcast.
Dexter ended in September 2013, after 8 seasons, with an episode that drew the anger of fans, and was described as a terrible let down.
After 9 seasons of waiting to find out how Ted Mosby met his wife in How I Met your Mother (HIMYM), fans were met with a huge and unwelcome surprise at the series' finale in March 2014.
Which finale did you find the most disappointing? Is there another series that ended as badly? Vote and comment here.
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Voting results
The worst TV series finale: Lost, Dexter or How I Met Your Mother?
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