Climate Change, Environment, Politics
Effects of global warming: is climate change real?
Climate change is one the worst challenges humanity is facing. But are scientists exaggerating the effects of global warming? Is it real or a myth? Vote!
Negative effects of global warming
Wost negative effects of global warming, such as global health issues, sea level rising, extinction of species, etc. Join our climate change debate & vote!
Humanity is doomed: how will humans go extinct?
In five billion years the Sun will destroy our home. But humanity could go extinct much earlier. Are we doomed? We discuss how human life will go extinct.
War in the Middle East and climate change
Ideology, religion or imperialism, are often cited as causes of the war in the Middle East. What about the effects of climate change and lack of resources?
World population control: the cure for environmental issues?
Are there too many people on the world? Do we need population control to tackle the most threatening environmental issues? Join us, vote and debate!
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