Natural resources, Environment, Politics
Exploiting the Amazon natural resources?
Do developing countries in the Amazon Basin have the right exploit the natural resources of the Amazon rainforest? To what extent? Any alternatives?
Does renewable energy create jobs? Pros and cons
Renewable energy pros and cons. Green energy jobs. Global energy transition. We discuss the benefits and disadvantages of hydropower, solar and wind energy
Hydropower pros and cons: is hydroelectric energy that good?
Check out the pros and cons or hydropower. You may be discover some new facts and participate in our poll: Is water power that good? Should we promote it?
Ultimate source of energy: solar energy pros and cons
Find out if the sun can realistically become the ultimate source of energy. Check out its history, main solar energy pros and cons, and vote in our poll!
World population control: the cure for environmental issues?
Are there too many people on the world? Do we need population control to tackle the most threatening environmental issues? Join us, vote and debate!
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