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Best grunge band: Nirvana or Pearl Jam?


Best grunge band: Nirvana or Pearl Jam?

Nirvana vs Pearl Jam. Grunge marked the 1990s and many people's youth. We discuss which should be considered the best Seattle rock band.

Nirvana vs Pearl Jam

Nirvana and Pearl Jam are the two best known rock bands of the grunge movement in the early 90s. They were also protagonists of one of American rock's most controversial feuds in the history of music. Famously, Pearl Jam's debut album "Ten" was released just before Nirvana's breakthrough album "Nevermind", but however many suggested that Nirvana were pioneers and accused Pearl Jam of being bandwagon jumpers. Pearl Jam would later eclipse Nirvana in terms of sales with follow up "Vs" outselling Nirvana's "In Utero" by almost five copies to one. Nirvana disappeared in 1994 after the suicide of its lead singer Kurt Cobain while Pearl Jam survived the death of grunge and is still a successful band in active.

Probably both bands have made you jump and sing more than once, but which of the two can claim the title of best grunge band in history, Nirvana or Pearl Jam?



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