Source: Composite by G_marius based on Laura Balc’s and Hassan Rafeek’s images
Dolphin hunting and dolphin killing are traditions in countries such as Solomon Islands, Faroe Islands, Peru, or Japan. Should it be completely banned? Is dolphin slaugther acceptable or should be save the dolphins?
Should Dolphin be banned?
Dolphin meat is part of the cuisine of some countries. Dolphin hunting has become highly controversial and has raised international criticism, not only due to the cruelty toward dolphins but also to the possible health risk that the often polluted meat causes. An increasing number of activist is requesting Japan and other countries to ban this practice. Despite criticisms, thousands of dolphins are caught in drive hunts each year.
Dolphin hunting in Japan
The Taiji dolphin drive hunt is probably the most famous of those traditional hunts and provide income for hundred of local residents. The residents of Taiji and the surrounding area have been refining whaling techniques since the 17th century and now run annually a large scale dolphin drive hunt. The documentary "The Cove" has served to raise international awareness of dolphin hunting in Taiji, showing how dolphins are every year corralled in the Taiji Cove and killed (see video below). Since then, the international protest has been growing, with many activists going to Japan in an attempt to stop the slaugther and save the dolphins.
Eating dolphin meat is not however the only driver for dolphin hunting. Dolphins are often hunted to be sold to aquatic parks and dolphinariums for shows and swimming courses.
Is dolphin hunting following traditional methods justifiable? What if dolphins are not slaughtered but sold to aquatic parks? Do dolphins deserve a special treatment compared to other animals?
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