Source: Composite image by G_marius based on a Cyril Caton's image.
The plastic bags we use in supermarket pollute, but are very convenient. Should plastic bags for supermarkets be banned or taxed? Vote and join our debate!
Should plastic bags be banned or taxed?
Plastic bags were introduced in supermarkets in 1977. Plastic bags are a strong, cheap, and hygienic way of transporting items but they also have a negative environmental impact. They are produced from non-renewable resources, and when bags are are disposed of carelessly they can block drains, trap birds and kill livestock. Governments all over the world are taking action against these problems by introducing bans and taxes on the use of plastic bags. However, not everyone sees this form of government intervention as desirable.
Against banning or taxing
- The are cheap to produce and only a few chemicals are needed. They require little energy and their production doesn't generate many emissions.
- Very practical: high strength and low weight. They can be folded and stored easily.
- Easily recyclable.
- Alternatieve means to transport groceries may be expensive or require planning. Moreover, the production of the alternative methods may require more resources.
- Taxes on plastic bags would affect more the poorest. Many rich people would not mind paying a little and would continue using them.
In favor of banning or taxing
- Bags are made of non renewable sources (crude oil). 5 trillion plastic bags are produced yearly.
- Most plastic bags are used once and then thrown away.
- Plastic waste in gets into the food chain in our seas. Plastic bags are killing fishes and sea mamals.
- It takes centuries for plastic bags to decompose.
Do you think that supermarket users should pay for the plastic bags they use when buying groceries? What about a prohibition of single use bags? Do you think these policies would have the desired effect and contribute to a better world?
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