Source: Composite image by G_marius
The Erasmus exchange program enables young Europeans to study in other countries and learn their culture. What do you think about it? Share you views about it.
Erasmus is a popular European Union university exchange program. Some people find it extremely important to strengthen the education of young European students and the ties between different European countries. Others argue that it is a waste of money allowing young middle-class Europeans to travel and party for free.
Erasmus exchange programme
The European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students, better known as Erasmus Programme, started in 1987. Today, more than 4,000 higher education institutions are involved in the programme, and by 2007 more than 5 million European students had taken part in the initiative. Every year, nearly 300,000 students go to study in another European country. Spain, Germany and France are the most popular destinations for exchange students.
The programme is named after the Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam who worked and lived in many different places in Europe to increase his knowledge and get new perspectives. The idea behind the Erasmus higher education programme is to strengthen the exchange between European cultures and create a stronger European identity, as well as expand the students knowledge and give them new insights. The programme is partially financed by European grants.
However, some critics claim that there is no real benefit in sending European students to other countries, since they often take this time abroad as a paid holiday, where they learn little and party much thanks to the public money. For those critics, the Erasmus Programme should be reduced, or the obtention of grants based on academic results during the exchange.
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Voting results
Is the Erasmus student exchange programme a successful initiative or a waste of money?
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