It's always nice to receive gifts during Christmas and other special occasions. But what about when you don't like them? Is it ok to sell unwanted gifts? Vote and find out what people think about this.
Unwanted gifts
Christmas is the time of the year when more gifts are exchanged. You probably got a lot of lovely presents. On your birthdays, your wedding anniversary, St Valentine Day, mothers' or fathers' day, and so on, you may also get new gifts. Small gifts, expensive gifts, romantic gifts, gifts you can eat, or you wear, secret gifts or even gift vouchers. Often people around you know you well enough and get you something you wanted or needed. But offering presents is a challenging endevour. Sometimes people want to innovate or are not sure what to get you. Thus, from time to time you also receive gifts that you don't have no use for or that you don’t like at all. What do you do with these unwanted gifts? Would you keep them, give them to someone else or sell them through Ebay or to someone you know? Do you think giving away or selling unwanted Christmas gifts could hurt the feelings of the person who offered the present? Many argue that once you have received a present it’s yours, and you have every right on it. So if you want to sell it, nobody can say anything about it or complain.
Videos on how to deal with unwanted gifts
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