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Henri Poincare

Level 6 // 661 xp
82 posts

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18 Jul 2017 23:20 Uber business model - Is Uber an online intermediary or a transportation service provider?
In my opinion it s a transportation service provider. And its arrival has shown that licensing fo...
18 Dec 2016 22:17 Japanese security and peacekeeping operations - Should Japan strengthen its army?
Maybe every country (apart form USA) should strengthen his army... This has been the year of Brex...
8 Dec 2016 23:10 Can you trust Wikipedia? Should citing Wikipedia be acceptable at university?
Not only newspaper articles... Also research papers, books and encyclopedia have many errors. Wik...
8 Dec 2016 23:06 Home or hospital birth? Find out the pros and cons of home birth
Completely agree.
8 Dec 2016 23:04 Pros and cons of marriage: is marriage outdated?
This is an old debate... many people say that marriage is outdated since, at least, the sixties. ...
8 Dec 2016 23:00 Lego vs Playmobil: best toy for kids
Is Lego that creative? Most of the times kids just reproduce what they are supposed to do... I pr...
8 Dec 2016 22:38 EU democratic deficit: Are the European Parliament Elections important?
They are less important than they should be. Most of the decisions in the EU are taken from outsi...
31 Aug 2016 05:02 Burkini pros and cons and ban: Is Islamic swimwear a good idea for Muslim women?
I don't like to see women in burkini... It makes you see how discriminated they are. But this is ...
31 Aug 2016 04:56 What is the main barrier for economic diversification in developing resource-rich countries?
Politics of course. Norway has lots of oil and no problem at all with that.
18 Aug 2016 15:38 What is the best beer in the world? Top beer types, brands and countries
Chimay blue is one of the best. Also leffe, grimbergen, hoegarden... And so many other Belgian be...
18 Aug 2016 15:33 Pokémon Go pros and cons. Is Pokémon Go a good game? Controversy and facts
The goal of a game is to make people play. Hence Pokemon go is excellent
18 Aug 2016 15:28 Who is the best football player in the world? Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo?
Ronaldo, since Messi should go to jail.
18 Aug 2016 15:26 Best Olympian ever? Find out who are the greatest athletes in the history of the Olympics
Phelps of course! Three Olympic games being a star!!
19 Nov 2015 12:42 Who is the most influential scientist in history? Choose among our top 10!
For the silver medal I vote for Einstein... general relativity is still one of the main Physics t...
19 Nov 2015 10:37 Who is the most influential scientist in history? Choose among our top 10!
The epitaph to Newton by the poet Alexander Pope: Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night; God...
18 Nov 2015 08:53 Who is the most influential scientist in history? Choose among our top 10!
Newton of course! Before Newton science was wandering in the darkness...
13 Nov 2015 08:36 Can you trust Wikipedia? Should citing Wikipedia be acceptable at university?
Wikipedia (in English) is quite reliable... and it gives you references that you can use to cite!
13 Nov 2015 08:35 Who is the best James Bond actor? Pick your favorite 007!
I agree with everything!!!
12 Nov 2015 20:52 Apple Watch: failure or success? Will this smartwatch revolutionize wearables?
I would bet more on the google glasses than smartwatches!
12 Nov 2015 20:50 Rossi vs Lorenzo vs Marquez: best motorcycle racer debate
And what about the "complot" hypothesis of Valentino? Did Marquez and Lorenzo make an agreement?
12 Nov 2015 20:45 Game of Thrones ending: who will win the game of thrones?
The options need to be updated maybe... some of those are already dead! I don't think GoT will ha...
12 Nov 2015 20:42 Best fantasy worlds: Lord of the Rings vs Game of Thrones?
Now I have seen the Game of Thrones series... I don't know how similar is to the books, though. B...
5 Nov 2015 17:13 Pedro Almodovar best movies - Which period do you prefer: the earlier/crazier films or the later/serious ones?
My favourite is Talk to her. Volver is also a great movie in my opinion. I love also Women on the...
7 Apr 2015 15:30 The ultimate mockumentary comedy series: Arrested Development, The Office, Parks and Recreation or Modern Family?
Modern Family is too much fun!! But I agree that also the office is great!
4 Apr 2015 22:42 British mystery writers: Agatha Christie vs Arthur Conan Doyle
I prefer Agatha. Holmes is just too British for me... Moreover, from the point of view of the mys...
31 Mar 2015 22:50 Greatest American Writer: Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Angelou, Steinbeck, Twain, Capote or Kerouac?
I must admit I do not know the works of many of them... But my vote goes to Steinbeck. His litera...
26 Mar 2015 22:12 The school uniforms debate: should students wear uniforms?
Because many parents do not respect dress codes... and then you have to explain your kid that he ...
26 Mar 2015 22:02 French bulldog, pug or chihuahua: Best toy dog?
I like dogs, but real dogs not those... they are more like a parasite!
26 Mar 2015 21:59 Heating up: the Qatar 2022 Football World Cup controversy. Play in winter, summer, change host or boycott?
FIFA should choose another host... but they will not!! There is too much money in here!!
2 Mar 2015 10:20 The biggest Oscar snubs for best picture: Citizen Kane, Goodfellas, The Shawshank Redemption or Boyhood?
I agree with MariaK. Well, I liked Shawshank redemption, but maybe my vote would go for Pulp Fict...
15 Feb 2015 22:34 Tips netivist: technical support
I do not get points for sharing a debate... is it normal?
15 Feb 2015 22:24 Vaping pros and cons: Do electronic cigarettes pose a higher health risk than tobacco cigarettes?
I am not sure about marijuana... the fact that it is natural does not mean that it is less harm! ...
15 Feb 2015 22:10 Vaping pros and cons: Do electronic cigarettes pose a higher health risk than tobacco cigarettes?
Completely agree. By the way I don't understand is why smoking e-cigarretes is forbidden in many ...
15 Feb 2015 21:43 Best romantic gifts for her: lingerie, perfume, jewellery, dinner or flowers?
None! Try to be original!
31 Jan 2015 15:10 Best internet browser: Chrome, Firefox or Explorer?
Explorar is almost over already... The new version of windows does not include it. It was about t...
23 Jan 2015 22:14 Constitutional monarchy vs republic: which is the best form of government?
Well, in a monarchy an important political position is not established democratically (direct or ...
23 Jan 2015 22:03 Movies with twist endings: The Sixth Sense, The Empire Strikes Back, Planet of the Apes, Fight Club and Usual Suspects. Which is your favourite?
My vote goes for unusual suspects... also because it's one of my favourites! I also loved the twi...
26 Dec 2014 23:06 Dealing with rejection in dating - What is the best way to turn down a date?
I agree with avenger. A sincere rejection means that the person doesn't even bother to make up a ...
1 Nov 2014 23:27 Should Catalonia become an independent state and break away from Spain?
Avenger is right, the question here is independency or not. I don't really know. The nationalism ...
1 Nov 2014 23:19 Should Catalonia become an independent state and break away from Spain?
Let Catalans vote... seems very nice. It seems democratic. But actually, the votation, if it take...
28 Oct 2014 21:54 Healthiest wine to drink: red or white?
For those who read Spanish, an interesing article (published on the online version of El País) ab...
2 Oct 2014 22:48 Best Marvel superhero team: Avengers, Fantastic 4 or X-Men?
Wolverine is too cool!!
26 Sep 2014 14:25 Best Scorsese movie: Taxi Driver, Goodfellas or The Departed?
Maybe taxi driver is better as a movie... but I enjoyed Godfellas more!
23 Sep 2014 22:56 Healthiest wine to drink: red or white?
If you are interested in the healthy properties of wine, you'd better drink grape juice... you wo...
23 Sep 2014 22:53 Healthiest wine to drink: red or white?
It's hard to say, but I doubt that the effect of those components is so important. In my opinion ...
22 Sep 2014 23:13 Best "starchitect": Calatrava, Foster or Gehry?
I agree, but not completely. It's true that they are more interested in aesthetics than in functi...
22 Sep 2014 23:03 Is genetically modified food dangerous? Join the debate on the pros and cons of GMOs
I don't think it's dangerous... at least, no more dangerous than the cocktail of pesticides and o...
22 Sep 2014 22:55 Healthiest wine to drink: red or white?
None. The fact that wine is healthy is just marketing. Of course, if you take just a bit of wine,...
22 Sep 2014 22:47 Proportional vs majoritarian: which type of electoral system do you prefer ?
A purely proportional electoral system usually leads to ungovernability. The system should reflec...
19 Sep 2014 16:52 Mac vs PC pros and cons: what computer should I buy?
Well, I don't think it's the same as the DVD reader... now most of files are saved in USB drives,...
19 Sep 2014 11:52 Mac vs PC pros and cons: what computer should I buy?
I agree, macbook are very nice. However, I don't like much some of the apple ideas... I don't und...
18 Sep 2014 22:54 Mac vs PC pros and cons: what computer should I buy?
Mac's usually run much better due to the fact that hardware and software match perfectly. Moreove...
16 Sep 2014 12:08 What do you think of the restrictions in Magic tournaments on the use of cards from older editions?
I was a Magic player in the past, and already at the time the DCI started imposing restrictions. ...
16 Sep 2014 10:41 Best Scandinavian crime writer: Larsson, Mankell or Nesbø?
Try the books about inspector Martin Beck I wrote before... you will like them too, they are quit...
16 Sep 2014 10:31 Best "starchitect": Calatrava, Foster or Gehry?
I Agree with Comnenus. From Foster I saw (also inside) the HSBC bank in Hong-Kong and Beijing air...
14 Sep 2014 14:03 Best 80s tv show: Knight Rider, The A-Team or MacGyver?
MacGyver was the most interesting in my opinion. A team was nice too, with Barracus and Murdoch. ...
14 Sep 2014 13:45 Should cannabis be legalized?
Burgers at McDonald's are als bad for public health (and addictive too, I would say...). Some dr...
14 Sep 2014 12:15 Casablanca vs Citizen Kane: which classic movie do you prefer?
From the point of view of script, director, etc, Citizen Kane seems superior to me... But Bogart'...
14 Sep 2014 00:01 Best Scandinavian crime writer: Larsson, Mankell or Nesbø?
Actually the ones I like most are wahloo and sjowall... The three of the debate are indebted to t...
12 Sep 2014 14:39 How do you feel about netivist?
I mean more debates, no more interesting... my English is not that good ;)
12 Sep 2014 12:43 Best fantasy worlds: Lord of the Rings vs Game of Thrones?
That is true... but the debate is about the best fantasy world, not about the plot. The Lord of t...
12 Sep 2014 00:00 How do you feel about netivist?
And a suggestion: movies can be the object of much more interesting debates (best comedy, best di...
11 Sep 2014 23:58 How do you feel about netivist?
Netivist is great. Just a detail... the debate about the best tennis player is labelled as archit...
11 Sep 2014 23:51 How to treat a woman? Is gallantry another form of being macho?
I guess that people (among them, women) can dislike gallantry for other reasons... me, I find it ...
11 Sep 2014 23:44 Children and technology: should small kids be encouraged to use tablets and computers?
I agree with juanan, better computer than tv. Tv is completely passive. But with one warning: som...
11 Sep 2014 23:40 Do you think dogs should be allowed on the beach?
Dogs can scare kids also in public parks, and we allow dogs there. Personally I feel much more sc...
11 Sep 2014 16:51 Angry Birds vs Candy Crush Saga: most addictive game?
Angry birds of course! Candy crush is so old-fashioned...
11 Sep 2014 16:46 Best fantasy worlds: Lord of the Rings vs Game of Thrones?
I must recognize that i did not read song of ice and fire. From what I have heard, it seems to me...
11 Sep 2014 12:25 Is astrology real? Is it as a true science or a pseudoscience?
The only chance I give to astrology is the position of sun at the time of birth: the baby faces t...
11 Sep 2014 08:43 What do you think of Legolas appearing in "The Hobbit"?
I agree with Antoine. I already had the feeling, in the Lord of the Rings, that the whole was an ...
11 Sep 2014 08:35 Android OS vs iOS - Google vs Apple: what is the best mobile operating system?
Well, Android is for poor men mainly because you get for free so many apps, and you have to pay i...
9 Sep 2014 21:44 How to treat a woman? Is gallantry another form of being macho?
I don't like gallantry, but I don't think that a person behaving gallant should be accused of mac...
9 Sep 2014 11:09 Does homeopathy work or is it a pseudoscience? Would you say it is effective or detrimental?
Single experiences have also been the reason for going to traditional healers. As Cloeda says, th...
9 Sep 2014 10:53 Paris or London, which city is more exciting?
I would say that London is a unique example of a completely cosmopolitan city. Between Paris and ...
9 Sep 2014 00:04 French, Italian or Spanish, which European cuisine is the best?
I really doubt that he (or any other top chef) is really changing spanish costumes in food. Adria...
8 Sep 2014 23:59 Is a vegan diet healthy? Should we all go vegan?
From the birth of humanity, humans have eaten meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. We are made for ...
8 Sep 2014 23:47 Are dogs better than cats? Which of these furry companions do you prefer?
In my opinion, the main difference between them is that you own your dog, but you share your hous...
8 Sep 2014 21:32 French, Italian or Spanish, which European cuisine is the best?
The debate is not about the best chefs in the world, but about the best cuisine. Carrot foam was ...
8 Sep 2014 21:24 Coffee, with or without milk?
If you take coffe for having breakfast together with a toast or a croissant, to keep you awake, t...
8 Sep 2014 21:11 Top 10 pros and cons of breastfeeding: should babies be exclusively breastfed until they are six month old?
I agree with 6 months breastfeeding, and to continue with it up to 2 years or beyond. Just one wa...
8 Sep 2014 21:05 Does homeopathy work or is it a pseudoscience? Would you say it is effective or detrimental?
What is most surprising is that even people with a high level of education use homeopathy. It has...
8 Sep 2014 20:56 Effects of global warming: are scientists exaggerating about climate change? Is it real?
Climate change is a fact, indeed. But it is not clear how deep their effects are. So far, most of...

14 Sep 2014 13:45 Should cannabis be legalized?
Burgers at McDonald's are als bad for public health (and addictive too, I would say...). Some dr...
1 Nov 2014 23:19 Should Catalonia become an independent state and break away from Spain?
Let Catalans vote... seems very nice. It seems democratic. But actually, the votation, if it take...
23 Jan 2015 22:14 Constitutional monarchy vs republic: which is the best form of government?
Well, in a monarchy an important political position is not established democratically (direct or ...
1 Nov 2014 23:27 Should Catalonia become an independent state and break away from Spain?
Avenger is right, the question here is independency or not. I don't really know. The nationalism ...
2 Oct 2014 22:48 Best Marvel superhero team: Avengers, Fantastic 4 or X-Men?
Wolverine is too cool!!

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