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Pros and cons of organic food. We discuss if the benefits of organic food and whether it justifies the higher prices. Check out our poll and debate. Vote and comment!
What is organic food?
Organic food is produced without the use of most synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, pesticides, antibiotics, added growth hormones, ionizing radiation, or genetic modification. Fields must be free of prohibited materials for three years before the soil can be used to grow organic crops. However, even food grown organically may contain pesticides and other contaminants carried by wind, water, or soil residues. In addition, while free of certain contaminants, organic products are not necessarily more nutritious or more flavorful than other foods. Retailers generally demand higher prices for organic foods, but such produce may spoil faster because it is not treated against insects and bacteria.
Pros and cons of organic food
Organic food benefits:
- It is more environment friendly. Fewer chemical are used on this products and therefore they generate less pollution. Moreover some of the pesticides used in the production of food can harm birds an people leaving near farms.
- Animals are treated better and fed naturally. Hormones and force-feeding techniques are avoided.
- Organic meat does not contain anti-biotics. The use of anti-biotics in conventional meat production helps create antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can be transferred to humans.
- Organic produce contains fewer pesticides (fungicides, insecticides and herbicides).
- Organic food arguably tastes better. Organic food is usually fresher when consumed. As it contains fewer preservatives and is often produced locally, this food gets from farm to table more quickly. Organic produce is often (but not always, so watch where it is from) produced on smaller farms near where it is sold.
- Organic food is GMO-free.
Downsides of organic food:
- Organic food prices are higher than those of conventional food.
- Organic food tends to expire faster because it does not use preservatives.
- Some studies argue that organic food is not more nutritious or safer than the food produced with conventional means.
- Moreover, against what most people think, organic food contains some chemical too (although fewer than conventional food).
- There is less variety of products if we try to go organic.
- There is no clear evidence of health benefits yet.
Do you often buy organic food? What type of products do you think have gone organic more successfully?
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