Source: Image by Tiffany Terry
We all want the best for our children and their development. Chores can be helpful, but when to start? Are 6-year-olds too young for household duties? Vote below
The development of every children is unique, but there are some patterns that can be obseved in 6-year olds. For instance they begin to have longer attention spans and prefer structured activities to more open-ended experiences. Language skills is one of the areas where you can find more progress. The vocabulary and degree of sofistication seems to help them to communicate and learn faster. Six-year-olds still sometimes mix reality and make-believe. And more than anything, they love playing.
Chores for 6-year-olds?
Psychologists argue that helping with housework is positive for child development. At the same time some surveys have found out that the lack of household chores make children less responsible in the long run. Although they still require much direction from adults and continuouly ask for them signs of approval, 6-year-olds enjoy taking on new roles and responsibilities. Thus, they often like setting up and clearing the table, sorting the laundry, seeping the floor or helping mum prepare lunch. Chores are also an opportunity for kids to earn pocket money they can save or spend on things they like. However, the fun tends to disappear when these tasks become an obligaton that they are supposed to carry out on a regular basis.
Placing obligations on children, such as doing school homework or wearing a uniform can be controversial. Child labor is always problematic and in some parts of the world chores quickly turn into real labor. But even in the context of rich countries and well off families, chores can have some negative side effects. One of the risks is that they can create frustration on small children. Sometimes parents are not patient enough with their children or do not give the appropriate instructions on what they need to do. Other times they may have too high standards or expectations and may be stingy with praise. These type of attitudes from parents can stress and alienate 6-year-olds.
Moreover chores have an opportunity cost: while children are doing housework they are not playing. Researchers have discover that play boosts children development:
- Play helps with relationships and social interaction.
- It fosters communication skills
- It stimulates cognitive development and helps the brain develop in a functional way.
The more unstructure play is the more beneficial for their development. Homework and extra-curricular activities limit the time they can spend playing. If we add to that household chores. What time to the have left to play?
Chores can be positive for children but at the same time they entail risks and opportunity costs. In particular many argue that children would grow happier if they spend as much time as possible playing. What do you think?
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Are 6-year-olds too young for household chores?
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