Should member states transfer more powers to the EU Parliament? Should the EP be strengthened?

European Parliament

Source: Composite image by G_marius based on a Ralf Roletschek - Fahrradtechnik und Fotografie´s image

The European Union is claimed to have a democratic deficit. Do you think the solution should include that countries transfer more powers to its Parliament

Should the EP be strengthened?

The Euro crisis has made the public opinion to be more concerned with the way European institutions work. The European Parliament (EP) is claimed to be the most democratic institution within the European Union because its members are directly elected in the European elections. However the European Parliament still plays a secondary role in European politics. The European Commision and the Council of Europe are two bodies which hold extensive powers but which are not directly elected by European citizens. Many important decisions in Europe are negotiated directly by member states with little input from the European Parliament. Other bodies, like the European Central Bank, also have a big influence but their members are appointed, not elected by citizens.

Do you think that the EU would be a more effective supranational organization if countries would agree to transfer more powers to the EU Parliament? Or do you think that this transfer of power would undermine sovereignty in member states?

Should member states transfer more powers to the EU Parliament? Should the EP be strengthened? Vote and explain why!

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Should member states transfer more powers to the EU Parliament? Should the EP be strengthened?

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