Animals, Lifestyle
Is kosher and halal slaughter too cruel?
Should kosher and halal slaughter be banned? Animals are not stunned before the killing. Should animal rights come before religious beliefs? Vote & debate
Foie gras controversy: should it be banned?
Foie gras is a delicatessen with a long history. Is the cruelty of the force-feeding process used in its production reason enough to ban foie gras? Debate!
Dolphin hunting: should it be banned?
Dolphin hunting and dolphin killing are traditions in areas such as Solomon Islands, Faroe Islands, Peru, or Japan. Should it be completely banned? Vote!
Should gorillas be banned in zoos?
Gorillas in captivity, why? The lowland and mountain gorilla are intelligent endangered species. Should they be banned in zoos? Unnecessary animal cruelty?
Should exotic animals be kept as pets?
Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets? Should we ban the ownership of wild animals? Check out our surprising poll results and vote!
Are dogs better than cats? Vote!
Cats and dogs are the most popular pets. But which of these pets are better? Vote for in our poll for your favorite companion and tell us why!
Should animals be banned in the circus?
Both children and adults are amazed by animal tricks, but some organizations report abuses and bad conditions. Should animals be banned in the circus?
Who was the worst President of the USA?
US presidents are praised and criticized. Most of them are involved in scandals. We discuss who was the worst American President since Ronald Reagan. Vote!
Dolphins in captivity: should dolphinariums be banned?
Kids and adults enjoy watching dolphin shows. But should such intelligent animals be kept in captivity? We discuss the role of dolphinariums
What a better place to walk your dog than a beach? Well, many people don't like you to do it. Should dogs be allowed on the beach? Vote and tell us why!
French bulldog vs pug vs chihuahua: best toy dog?
Celebrities love pugs, chihuahuas, and French bulldogs. These toy dogs are becoming trendy. Which of these dog breeds is the cutest? Join our discussion!
Should whale meat be completely banned?
Whale meat is still consumed in Norway, Japan, Faroe Islands and by Inuit communities in several countries. Should we banned it completely for everyone?
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